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                High tech brand

                Quality assurance

                Customer centered

                innovative development

                Professional design of semi-automatic, fully automated printing machine equipment

                Enterprise introduction

                SANJIN printing machineis a series of products such as automation, semi automatic pad printing, screen printing, heat transfer printing, bronzing, and a variety of auxiliary equipment. It is a high-tech brand enterprise integrating R & D, design, production and sales of printing machinery.

                SANJIN printing machine, advanced microcomputer technology, and high performance price ratio enable the company to manage its internal production and scale production. It has always been in the leading position in the same industry. At the same time, in order to ensure stable product processing quality and reduce production costs, we have won dealers and customers. Good praise.

                In the future, we will further clarify and enhance the core competitiveness of our products based on the printing machinery industry, and ensure that our products are superior and refined. Be strong, strive to build brand enterprises, create eternal and trustworthy!

                Production concept

                Our printing application has made our equipment striding into a sensitive field.SANJIN is fully aware of his responsibilities. I am what I am Our team performs the reasons of accuracy, efficiency and efficiency, just like our customers.

                Whether it is pad printing machine, bronzing machine, screen printing machine, heat transfer printing machine, our customers appreciate the innovative design and excellent addition of our equipment. Working precision.

                Custom-made equipment

                Our goal is to continuously increase the value of our products. Therefore, our technology center is constantly developing breakthrough technologies and sharing research and development with our customers. Achievements¡£ If you need robot equipment, CCD detection, photoelectric sensor, transmission system, or production plan need new technical application,SANJIN will be you. Effective partner to support product design, or to develop production concepts with you.