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                PAD PRINTING

                Screen Printing Machines


                Automatic Machines

                Why choose SANJIN

                SANJIN printing machine is a series of automatic, semi-automatic printing, silk printing, heat transfer, hot gold and other products and a variety of auxiliary equipment as the leading, research and development, design, production, sales. All kinds of printing machinery in one of the high-tech brand enterprises.
                SANJIN printing machine, with modern production equipment, advanced micro computer technology and super high cost performance, has been in the same industry leading position in internal management and scale production. At the same time, in order to ensure stable product processing quality and reduce production costs, we won the praise from distributors and customers.


                SANJIN printing machine is a series of products such as automation, semi automatic pad printing, screen printing, heat transfer printing, bronzing, and
                . A variety of auxiliary equipment LED, set up R & D, design, production, sales of all kinds of printing machinery in one of the high-tech brand enterprises.